
3 Tips To Increase Facebook App Installs

Increase Facebook App Installs

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In 2022, if you aren’t on Facebook… well never mind… let’s just assume you wouldn’t be reading this article 

Regardless of whether you use your Facebook account, it is still a powerful marketing tool.

Depending on the app you are trying to promote, Facebook is the perfect starting place because Facebook itself is an app. 

Pitching app ideas to users, on an app, is the best way to not “reinvent the wheel”.

Couple that with the simple fact that Facebook is a breeding ground for people who spend time on their phones, and it is a gold mine for user data.

No matter if your app is solely built for iOS or Android, Facebook is one of the best places to start. 

The most bang for your buck in the sense that you can run hyper-targeted campaigns, spending however much you want, and essentially see results in real-time.

Working on app promotion is one of my favorite things to help clients with and here are the top 3 takeaways I think can set you up for success.

Narrow Targeting With Interests (+Audiences)

I previously touched on the fact that Facebook gives brands the ability to utilize audiences and interests whilst setting up campaigns. 

To break it down fast, if you are advertising a mobile app about investing you might target the following interest groups:

  • Investing
  • Banking
  • Investment Banking
  • Economics
  • Personal Finance and so on…

The interest groups above are pretty general. 

Use general groups while testing in order to get a prevailing sense of what sort of people really resonate with your messaging.

increase facebook app installs audience

Note: As much as you love your app, your ideal audience may change – do NOT get married to any interests.

Who knows your audience could be, middle-aged moms who follow BitCoin’s page and frequently attend book fairs could be your perfect market. 

The point is you won’t know until you test them all.

Furthermore, to dive deeper into these and where Facebook’s magic really happens to find sub-groups to narrow your net.

One of the best tips I can give anyone is to review your Google Analytics. While you are in the dashboard head over to your audience interest groups and review the affinity interests.

Do some surprise you? See, I told you there were going to be some outliers and hidden gems that’ll surprise you. 

If we go back to the notion of not reinventing the wheel – you can take the interest groups shown in your analytics dashboard and test new campaigns out of Facebook adding those in. 

Some examples from an investing app would be:

  • Luxury Cars
  • Entrepreneur
  • Books (People who read, tend to be money conscious and wise with investing)

Think of other characteristics your highest converting audience (or interests) have. Are they married? Do they have children? 

What makes a successful marketer successful is his or her ability to test everything to find all possible opportunities.

After you get your targeting down, your creatives are next. Your image/video is the first thing that users’ eyeballs gravitate towards so you need to make it count.

Creatives That Leave An Impression

On Facebook there are some do’s and don’ts, which is a conversation for another blog, however, one key one is the percentage of text in the image/thumbnail of your ad. 

If you exceed that size your ad may lose impression share and force you to bid higher as a penalty.

We can keep this short and sweet – my biggest tip when it comes to curation new creatives for your campaigns is to be relevant and impactful, yet leaves potential users with questions.

The first tip – targeting – goes hand in hand with creatives. You want to create a personalized message perfect for that audience/interest group.

The lingo used in your ad/headline is a great starting point – you know your audience’s age and which ages convert the most. 

So let’s say your app is a mobile game and targets teens and young adults, the text used in your ad may be more informal with emojis. 

However, if you were targeting adults you would ensure your punctuation is correct.

Now after you get the click, that is only half the battle. You need to ensure your brand has a high-quality landing page.

CRO: What Happens After The Click

What is CRO? Conversion rate optimization or CRO for short is why you adjust your landing page depending on user data retained from existing (or former PPC campaigns).

When it comes to mobile apps you usually have only a few seconds to grab the user’s attention so if you can, it’s a tough one – make it interactive. 

If you can’t that’s okay most users click on it accidentally then check it out. 

Yes, it’s a double-edged sword but sometimes accidentally clicks from highly engaged users won’t hurt all that much.

One of the easiest things you can do is implement a heatmap across your app so you can physically watch how users interact in order to make optimization ideas.

wooden people with one red

However – most app install campaigns will be direct downloads, so in a way, we can call this section ASO (or App Store Optimization) – this implements properties of both SEO and SEM.

This may include more professional or higher quality images and/or better use of keywords on the install page.

Whether you have a plan or not, I could chat about app installation and in-app action campaigns all day. It has been on my project plate quite often lately so I’m all ears to see how we can grow your brand.

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